Abbott's on Broad Creek – Let’s Do Trivia – 5/18/23

If you missed last game here’s a recap

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the thrilling game of Trivia! We have an exhilarating competition ahead with our four talented teams: the Woodies, Rolltide, Jimmy Legs, and the Cruisers. Get ready for a trivia showdown like no other. We kicked off this electrifying game with an on-time bonus question. The question was, "Top sign Mom wasn't impressed with her Mother's Day gift?" Let's take a look at how our teams responded: Rolltide said, "The gift showed up at the Thrift store the next day, Jimmy Legs sprayed Roundup on the flowers. Cruisers team came up with, "She asked for the receipt!". And last but not least, the Woodies responded with, "She buried it in the backyard!". 

With their quick thinking, the Cruisers took an early lead going into round one. But don't count the other teams out just yet! As we wrap up round one, it's Jimmy Legs who has stormed ahead, claiming the lead. The Cruisers trail closely behind in second place. Moving into round three, Jimmy Legs still maintains their dominance, but we have an exciting development! The Cruisers and Rolltide are now tied for second place. The competition is heating up! And now, it's time for the halftime break. Let's take a look at the scores so far. In first place, we have Jimmy Legs, holding on by a single point. Right on their tail, just one point behind, we have Rolltide. The Cruisers are in third place, trailing by two points, and the Woodies are keeping their hopes alive, just three point behind Rolltide. There's a four-point difference between our leading team and the last. It's anyone's race, folks! 

Let's see how the teams fare in the second half of the game. In a stunning comeback, the Cruisers jump back into second place as we reach the end of round four. They're showing their determination and strategic thinking. Can they maintain their momentum? In the latter half of the game, Jimmy Legs holds onto their first-place position, while the Cruisers remain steady in second. It's a fierce battle between these two teams! But before we move on to the final question, let's take a look at the leaderboard. Jimmy Legs is still leading the pack, followed closely by the Cruisers with a two-point difference. There's a whopping twelve-point gap between our first and last teams, making every question crucial. 

And now, after the final question, let's acknowledge the impressive performances of our teams. Rolltide showed some serious strategy by wagering twenty points. Well done! Two teams managed to give the correct order, with one team wagering zero points and the other team wagering three. Let's reveal the final standings: In first place, with a triumphant win and a prize of $40, we have the Cruisers! Congratulations on your well-deserved victory! In second place, securing a prize of $10, we have the Jimmy Legs team! Fantastic effort, folks! The Woodies take third place, giving it their all throughout the race. And last but not least, we have Rolltide in fourth place. Don't lose heart, Rolltide, there's always another game on the horizon! 

Join us in our next thrilling match, where teams that draw something you do during Memorial Day will receive a bonus of two points for the newsletter! Don't miss out on the excitement. The next game will take place just before the Memorial Day weekend. Thank you all for joining us today. It has been a phenomenal Trivia Race Extravaganza! We hope to see you again soon. Until next time, keep those minds sharp and those answers ready!

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