Abbott's on Broad Creek – 5-19-2022

CATEGORIES OF THE LAST GAME NIGHT: Beverage, Books, Brain Drain, Business, Food, Geography, History, Med, Movie, Music, People, Science, Sport, and Tv

BONUSES - For this upcoming game

Round 2 Question 1: Draw and/or write your favorite thing to do to celebrate Memorial Day on this coming weekend.

DON’T FORGET TO LIKE and COMMENT ON YOUR PHOTOS ON FACEBOOK! The more fun you’re having at our game’s spreads; the games will continue.

Kudos to Jimmy Legs & 4 Soxs going all out on the final wager.



Jimmy Legs 

The No Ding Zone

4 Soxs

Cruisers – won 1st

Driscoll Pirates – won 2nd

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